Sunday, May 31, 2009

There Are Ways To Prevent Skin Cancer

By Kathy Forcey

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. It is also a highly preventable and very treatable skin cancer. If you do all you can to reduce your risk of skin cancer and monitor your skin frequently you should have no trouble from the effects of skin cancer.

First and foremost, try to avoid the sun as much as you can. Seek the shade provided by trees, beach umbrellas or buildings wherever possible. Wear hats and lightweight clothing to cover your skin, protecting it from the sun's rays that could cause lesions leading to skin cancer.

You should realize that even on cloudy days, the ultra-violet rays from the sun can still reach you. Yes, even when it is cloudy, your skin can get burned. Swimming pools are not safe havens either. Your skin can get sunburned even when your body is in the water, and skin cancer could result in the future.

One of the most effective ways to prevent skin cancer is to apply sunscreen. You should make sure to be wearing at least SPF 15 when in the sun, or stronger sunscreen depending on how easily you burn. Also, be sure to reapply after swimming, or if you are sweating heavily.

Your children's delicate skin should be protected from the sun. As you cannot apply sunscreen on baby under six months, you should protect them from direct sunlight, and cover their skin properly. For older children, apply or direct them to apply sunscreen, whenever they are out in the sun. Advise your children about the dangers of getting skin cancer through too much sunlight; and instruct them to stay in the shade as much as possible.

Skin cancer can be treated but it is important for you to pay attention to any changes to existing growths or new abnormalities that appear suddenly. It is most important to watch for any changes like increase in size or irregular shapes. Watching for transparent or multicolored growths on you skin is a must. And furthermore, it you have any cuts or wounds that don't appear to be healing, consult your doctor promptly.

You should make it a point to have your skin checked on a regular basis when visiting a doctor. .Ensure that you examine your skin every month.This is one of the best ways of detecting skin cancer early. Make sure to be watchful of your skin and health,and if you develop any problems, consult a doctor for immediate treatment.

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Treatment Options For Skin Cancer

By Matt Hellstrom

The stage of cancer that you have will determine which of the many skin cancer treatments are available for you. Each person's medical condition and their ability to withstand treatment will decide which procedure is best for them. With skin cancer, do not put off going to the doctor. By discovering it early and beginning treatment you will be extending your chance of surviving because these treatments have an extremely high success rate.

Different options for the treatment for basal cell carcinoma exists. One treatment is 'Mohs Micrographic surgery' which helps in removing the cancer without removing the surrounding tissue which is healthy. With this procedure, successive layers of cancerous tissue is removed and examined..

As the doctor continues to remove thin layers during the procedure, he may continue to see more cancer cells. Once the doctor finds normal tissue, he will stop the removal. The doctor may also use a normal incision to remove skin cancer; however, when this method is used, there is a risk that some normal tissue will be excised along with the cancerous tissue.

Skin cancer cells can be frozen and removed using cryosurgery. A laser can be used to direct a light that kills skin cancer cells. Another way to treat skin cancer is by the use of radiation therapy. an x-ray is used to reduce the cancerous tumor and kill it. There is a topical treatment for skin cancer. Chemotherapy contained in a lotion will destroy the skin cancer cells when it is rubbed on the area that is affected.

The skin cancer treatment options that are used will depend on the individual case that is being treated. If you are recently diagnosed with skin cancer you will want to discuss your treatment options with your doctor. Remember to ask questions about the side effects and the success rate of each option.

You will need to have all of the information so that you can make an informed decision. Skin cancer must be treated so that it does not begin to spread to other parts of the body. If you have been lucky enough to catch it early you will have a great many more options available to you than if you are in a later stage of skin cancer.

If you conduct self examination of your skin once in a month, it is possible to detect any changes in your skin that may warrant medical attention. In order to treat skin cancer effectively and remove it from your life, it is essential for you to diagnose skin cancer early.

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Learn The Warning Signs Of Skin Cancer

By Kathy Forcey

You need to know some warning signs that will allow you to detect early-stage skin cancers. You should be aware of any bodily changes that occur, especially if your moles and other skin discolorations begin to change. By paying close attention to any changes affecting your body, you increase your chances of early, accurate detection and successful treatment.

If you find a growth on your skin that suddenly appears or changes in its size you should have it checked out by your doctor. This is especially true if it is translucent, tan, pearly, brown, black or has multiple colors. This could be one of the early signs of skin cancer and you should have it checked as quickly as possible so that you can get it treated and dealt with while it is still in the early stages.

If you notice signs of skin cancer immediately contact a physician in order to treat the condition in its earliest stages. During a self examination you should focus on areas of your skin such as moles that have been present for a long time. A warning sign of skin cancer is change in color or shape of moles and pigmentation. You should always consult a physician before self-diagnosing skin cancer.

Keep an eye on wounds or cuts that will not heal. This is one of the early warning signs of cancer that should be watched. You most likely notice if you have a cut on your skin that is just not healing. Have your doctor take a look and if they feel there is a reason they will test for skin cancer.

It is very important to understand the skin cancer warning signs so that you can monitor your own health. You are your own best defense in the fight against skin cancer. Not only must you monitor your skin you should also do everything you can to protect it. This includes wearing sunscreen every day and keeping your exposed skin covered.

The hottest part of the day is between 10am and 4pm, the time of day your skin is at its most sensitive. It makes good sense to always wear sunscreen and a hat if you must go out during these times.

Take the time to learn the skin cancer warning signs and protect your skin and you should be able to do your part to prevent skin cancer or catch it in an early enough stage to fight it successfully.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dangers Of Skin Cancer

By Matt Hellstrom

Skin cancer is more easily treated than most other cancers. However, your chances improve if you find and monitor the cancer quickly. Skin cancer may metastasize and spread to other organs, greatly increasing your probability of dying, if it isn't discovered and treated. So you need to learn as much as you can about skin cancer's signs and potential effects.

If you don't pay close attention to your skin, then you may not notice the signs of developing skin cancer. To prevent any problems from developing, you need to examine your own skin thoroughly at least once every 30 days.

You should be watching for sudden growths on your skin that are asymmetrical in appearance. The borders of a skin cancer growth can be indistinguishable and it might have an uneven surface. A skin cancer can also be a brown, black, tan, white, red or blue color or a multitude of colors. If you notice a growth like this has made a sudden appearance you should have it checked out by your doctor immediately.

Take careful notice of any injury or cuts which do not heal properly. It can be one of the indications of skin cancer. There is a variety of skin cancers and you should be aware of how they appear in order to correctly inspect your skin for any indications. If you come across an unusual injury or development on your skin, ask your doctor to check it out.

The danger of skin cancer is the longer it goes untreated the better chance it has to spread to other parts of the body. As the cancer moves through the different stages the chances of survival drop dramatically. Skin cancer will travel to the other organs of the body and begin to spread precipitously. You should be aware of the symptoms and dangers of skin cancer so that you can be better prepared to look for it. You should know what the dangers are so that you are taking your skin cancer self examinations seriously.

Skin cancer is a preventable condition that can be easily treated. You should do all that you can to prevent skin cancer by protecting your skin whenever you are exposed to sunlight. Overexposure to sun is one of the leading causes of skin cancer. Whenever you are out in the sun you should make sure to wear a sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least fifteen.

When you go outside, wear clothes and hats that cover as much skin as possible. These precautions should be followed at all times of year, not just during the summer. The sun's rays can do damage at any time of year. You should have a better understaning of how to protect yourself from skin cancer now that you know what to protect against and to look for.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Best Method To Stop Blushing

By Steven Hata

When you are talking to people do you often get shy and blush, right when you don't want to? Has blushing and shyness taken stopped you from being more social? Shyness is something many people experience, the good news is that you can learn how to combat blushing and shyness and be more confident in any situation.

Facial blushing is a two way problem, for most people it is a mental issue or psychological. For a few however it can be a physical condition called Rosacea which is a reddening of the face, if you believe you have Rosacea you should see your doctor.

To prevent blushing there are many methods, one of the best was a method introduced by a plastic surgeon in the 1960's and it is call Psycho-Cybernetics. It is based on the fact that we all have a self image and that we have to change that before anything else can change. He came to this discovery after many patients he treated were not cured the way they thought they would have even after be given the perfect face.

Another great method or approach you can take is hypnotherapy. For hundreds of year hypnosis has been believed as an easy and effective way to influence your sub conscious, which is where our beliefs about who we are and what you can do lie. Your self image can be accessed via your sub conscious. There are many course and audios sold online or you can see a professional.

Some of the other approaches you can take is to see your doctor and get some medication or creams that may help reduce the blushing. You can also explore so holistic methods and try some spiritual approaches like a spiritual healer, E.F.T or even a Chinese doctor.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Skin Cancer Early Stages - Skin Cancer Detection Is Important

By Matt Hellstrom

The diagnosis of skin cancer can be devastating. It is a scary time and you may be wondering what you should do next. If your skin cancer has been detected in its early stages your chance of survival is very good.

The best chance of keeping skin cancer under control is to be aware of your skin and notice any changes early enough to catch it before it progresses. Your odds of beating it greatly improve if you are proactive and catch it early.

In the first stages of skin cancer you will find out whether you have a non-melanoma skin cancer or a melanoma skin cancer. Early stages for both of these have a very good prognosis for survival. A basal cell carcinoma is very rarely spread beyond a second stage so the prognosis is very good if this is the type of skin cancer that you have.

If you have been diagnosed with a melanoma skin cancer it can and does spread beyond stage I and II if it is not stopped. When it is found in stage I and II the survival rate for a melanoma over five years is almost 100%. If it is found at stage III the survival rate drops to 60%. This is a large drop and shows the importance of early detection as the biggest cure for melanoma skin cancer.

It's absolutely imperative to inspect your skin on a regular basis at least once every month for signs of skin cancer. You should also see a physician regularly so that your skin can be examined as a part of your routine physical. If you detect anything suspicious on your skin you need to get it inspected by a doctor right away, especially if you have a discoloration or mole that seems to be changing shape and or color.

If you have a wound that will not heal, it could possibly be melanoma. Check with your doctor as to what to look for when conducting a self inspection of your skin. Knowing what to look will make it a lot easier to report any condition that may be of concern.

In its early stage, skin cancer can be quite small. The average size is that of a pea. However, skin cancer will grow progressively larger. If left untreated, it will metastasize to other organs and progress throughout the body. As this happens, rate of survival drops exponentially. The more involved the cancer, the more involved methods of treatment become.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Sun And Skin Cancer

By Matt Hellstrom

Many people go to the beach when the sun is beating down on them, so that they can catch all the rays that they can for a glorious tan. But we now know that too much exposure to the sun can lead to serious skin damage.

Of course, we all know that we should be wearing sunscreen when we go outside at all times. How many people actually put sunscreen on in the morning in their daily routine. We typically only think of sunscreen when we are planning a day out of doors.We are warned on a continuous basis to keep our skin protected from the harmful rays and stay out of the sun when it is at its strongest. Younger people tend to not pay attention to these warnings about skin cancer and the sun.

No matter how young or old you are, you need to take good care of your skin. Excessive exposure to the sun will lead to damage eventually even if it doesn't appear for many years. Therefore, you should prevent damage from the sun when you are young so that it won't become an issue when you're older. Many steps can be taken to limit or prevent sun damage.

We often only consider applying sunscreen when we expect to be outside for many hours. However, we don't consider it when we spend shorter periods of time out of doors. Your skin is exposed to the sun's rays every time you are outside, even if you're simply walking to work in the morning or taking a breather outdoors during the afternoon.

In general, you should protect yourself from the sun by applying sunblock with an SPF of 15 or more on all exposed skin. In addition, the sun is strongest between 10 AM and 3 PM. Therefore, you shouldn't go outside unnecessarily during those hours. The summer isn't the only time you should watch your exposure to the sun. In the winter and fall, you can still get too much sunlight. Sunscreen should be worn all year round.

If you sweat or go swimming, you should reapply your suntan lotion every so often. To be safe, apply more lotion every two hours, or more often for children. Infants less than six months old should not be exposed to the sun any more than necessary, since their skin cannot handle sunscreen.

Babies and children have extremely delicate skin, and thus are at high risk for sun exposure and even skin cancer. Limit their sun exposure by covering skin and outfitting them with hats.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Skin Cancer Early Stages

By Matt Hellstrom

The diagnosis of skin cancer can be devastating. It is a scary time and you may be wondering what you should do next. If your skin cancer has been detected in its early stages your chance of survival is very good.

The best chance of keeping skin cancer under control is to be aware of your skin and notice any changes early enough to catch it before it progresses. Your odds of beating it greatly improve if you are proactive and catch it early.

During the initial phases of skin cancer you will learn if you have a non-melanoma or a melanoma skin cancer. The beginning stages for these two cancers carry a very good prognosis for survival. It is quite uncommon for a basal cell carcinoma to advance past the second stage so the prognosis is excellent if this is the form of skin cancer you're dealing with.

If it is not stopped, melanoma skin cancer will advance rapidly past stage I and into stage II. That is why it is important to take immediate steps if you have a diagnosis of melanoma. If it is detected during stage I or II, melanoma has an almost 100% survival rate over five years. If detected at stage III, the survival rate decreases to sixty percent. This is quite a drop and makes it clear that early detection makes a big difference in success of treatment of melanoma skin cancer.

It's absolutely imperative to inspect your skin on a regular basis at least once every month for signs of skin cancer. You should also see a physician regularly so that your skin can be examined as a part of your routine physical. If you detect anything suspicious on your skin you need to get it inspected by a doctor right away, especially if you have a discoloration or mole that seems to be changing shape and or color.

You should also check with your doctor if you have a wound that will not heal. Obtain the description of what a melanoma skin cancer looks like from your doctor so that you have a good idea of what you are looking for when you do your self exams. You must be able to identify possible skin cancer.

Early stages of skin cancer can be relatively small in size, about the size of a pea, and progressively grows larger. Eventually other organs will become involved as the cancer progresses through the body. Once this happens the survival rate will drop and other forms of treatment, aside from removal of the cancer, will be necessary.

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Pictures of Skin Cancer Help to Reveal Symptoms and Dangers of Skin Cancer

By Toby L. Johns

Did you know that there are several types of skin cancer? Most people do not realize it but skin cancer is the largest type of cancer in the country. For that reason, individuals should learn all they can about this condition so they can prevented. That is the key to this form of cancer: it is preventable in many cases. Since skin cancer is most often caused by the sun, proper care can be taken to prevent you from getting it. The sun's rays are particularly the primary cause of the cancer. There are three main types to mention.

Melanoma Cancer

One of the most worrisome cancer forms of cancer is a melanoma. It starts in the melanocytes which are the skin cells. The good news is that this form of skin cancer is not as common as others. The problem is, it is far more devastating when it occurs since it can spread very quickly throughout the body, leading to multiple forms of cancer. It can move to organs and bones as well. This incredible form of cancerous cells is particularly genetic through the sun is another competent of the development of it.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the next type of skin cancer that you may develop. This, too, is a relatively complicated form of skin cancer in that it can spread to parts of the body other than simple skin cells. This means that it can turn up in the bloodstream, and similar areas. It has been estimated based on scientific studies and medical records that a quarter of a million people will receive a diagnosis of this particular condition annually. It is most commonly reported in individuals who are considered to have fair or light complexions. This cancer starts in the outer most layer of the skin and then has the ability to progress inward. The sores that result from this skin cancer typically appear as scaly patch like sores and may be non-healing overall.

#3: Basal Cell Carcinoma Cancer

Basal Cell Carcinoma is considered to be the most common type of all skin cancer types in the United States. Individuals that develop this type may be pleased to know that the effects of the conditions are typically localized to specific areas. The most common areas where this skin cancer is located is the facial and neck area. Symptoms that are commonly associated with this type resemble yellow or pink sores, sores that show traces of blood and/or basic lymph, and even scar-like areas that are various colors such as white and yellow. Most of the time, this type of cancer can be treated successfully and there have only been rare instances in which it has spread to other areas of the body.

All forms of skin cancer are serious and can be life threatening. Because of this, those who notice any changes on their skin, including skin markings changing and especially changes in the look or fee of a mole, should seek medical attention. These changes could signal the presence of cancers. Doctors will need to do a thorough exam before making the diagnosis of cancer. The exam will tell the doctors exactly what type of cancer you have and what the treatment options are.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Potential Dangers of Skin Cancer

By Toby Johns

Let's face it, each and every one of us put ourselves at risk of getting skin cancer each time we leave our homes and expose ourselves to the sun. Even worse; many people are so obsessed with getting a tan, that they're willing to spend many hours at a time laying on a beach in direct sun. Considering that your skin is the largest organ of your body, it only stands to reason that you should be concerned about the risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, one should also bear in mind that the signs of skin cancer are always visible immediately. In fact, it can take a few years before you eventually discover the damage.

Undeniably, the ongoing depletion of the ozone layer hasn't helped matters either. In fact, we're now at an even greater risk that we were before to get one of the three forms of skin cancer which are Basil cell, Squamous Cell and Melanoma.

Our exposure to the ultra violet rays from the sun damage our skin cells resulting to skin cancer. We are quite familiar with how skin cancer manifests itself to our bodies. We get large sores or spots which may seem impossible to remove. Though these may seem harmless, they may be resistant to any treatment and will just keep on showing again and again. As with other types of cancer, cancer cells can really be aggressive, they just keep on coming around before you know it.

Yes, there certainly is a high risk of skin cancer but because we know what causes it, we can take the necessary steps to prevent it. Of course, it's just not possible for any of us to avoid the sun entirely but having said that, we can use skin protection whenever we know we'll be exposed to direct sun. Fortunately enough, there are a vast amount of products on the market to today with SPF (sun protection factor) ratings of between 15 and 80. Apart from sun-block creams and lotions, many moisturizers and other cosmetics also now have a SPF rating. While a product with a SPF 15 rating offers only minimal protection, those which have a SPF of 80 offer total protection by blocking out all the harmful ultra-violet rays.

You may want to reduce your exposure to the sun. The summer may be the most loved season of most people because it allows them to enjoy the sun at the beach but this will always increase the chances of skin cancer. Even if you are just walking short distances from one place to another, you can never be too sure. Always wear caps, sun glasses, clothes that will protect you from the sun. If it is even possible, you may want to use an umbrella for further protection from the sun.

Furthermore, one should always do some self-examination from time to time in order to help ensure early detection, should you be unfortunate enough to get skin cancer. If you notice anything strange, don't hesitate to contact a dermatologist in order to establish whether or not it's skin cancer.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Do I Prevent Myself From Getting Skin Cancer?

By Steve Jackson

One of the most preventable (and often very treatable) cancers is that of the skin. By taking care of your skin and checking it often for suspicious growths you should have no trouble from the effects of skin cancer.

First and foremost, try to avoid the sun as much as you can. Seek the shade provided by trees, beach umbrellas or buildings wherever possible. Wear hats and lightweight clothing to cover your skin, protecting it from the sun's rays that could cause lesions leading to skin cancer.

It's important to remember that it is possible to be sunburned even when in direct sunlight. You may become sunburned during a cloudy day, or even when underwater in a swimming pool. You should use caution even in such situations.

One of the most effective ways to prevent skin cancer is to apply sunscreen. You should make sure to be wearing at least SPF 15 when in the sun, or stronger sunscreen depending on how easily you burn. Also, be sure to reapply after swimming, or if you are sweating heavily.

Your children's delicate skin should be protected from the sun. As you cannot apply sunscreen on baby under six months, you should protect them from direct sunlight, and cover their skin properly. For older children, apply or direct them to apply sunscreen, whenever they are out in the sun. Advise your children about the dangers of getting skin cancer through too much sunlight; and instruct them to stay in the shade as much as possible.

There are several ways that you can detect the possibility of skin cancer on your own time. Keep an eye out for any changes on your skin or growth in moles or the sudden appearance of new ones. Be careful of those that seem to have increased in size or are shaped irregularly. In addition, watch out for transparent or multicolored growths. Lastly, it's helpful to have your doctor check out any wounds or cuts that seem to take longer than usual to heal.

You should make it a point to have your skin checked on a regular basis when visiting a doctor. .Ensure that you examine your skin every month.This is one of the best ways of detecting skin cancer early. Make sure to be watchful of your skin and health,and if you develop any problems, consult a doctor for immediate treatment.

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Stop Blushing The Easy Way

By Shane Murphy

Facial blushing is caused from anxious thoughts, lack in confidence or low self esteem. This is a good thing because it means it can be addressed and cured relatively easy.

The trigger for blushing is different for each person however a common one is when you become self conscious of a situation that makes you feel uneasy.

Blushing is a normal function of the human body, however someone who suffers from excessive facial blushing simple has a more sensitive nervous system to certain stimuli.

Learn the secrets to stop blushing

Having a combination of this knowledge plus a keen desire to control your blushing are the most important factors and all that is left is to put the right solution for you into action.

There are many ways you can approach the problem of blushing, some methods can take a little longer to get results than others. There may be times when you might feel you want to give up but being persistent with your determination for success will be worth it in the end and you will not have to worry about blushing ever again.

Anxiety and the fear of being judged are two of the biggest contributors in setting off a blushing episode. Having low confidence and/or a low self esteem can mean that the sufferer is more likely to have the self conscious thoughts that will trigger a severe blushing episode.

Blushing can also be uncontrollable without being in an embarrassing position. Doctors tend to put this down to an over active sympathetic nervous system. This is the system in our bodies that subconsciously regulates our organs and controls the size of the blood vessels in our face.

There are many methods and techniques you can learn to stop your blushing. there are many people online that offer some great solutions or you can seek professional help.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Skin Cancer Radiation Therapy

By Matt Hellstrom

Sometimes skin cancer is resilient, and will either keep returning, or resist treatment. When this occurs, an alternative is to use x-ray radiation to eliminate the cancer calls. This treatment requires multiple visits over a period of time. The X-ray treatment is repeated until the cancer is completely destroyed.

Radiation is not a preferred treatment for skin cancer. In some cases, however, no other treatment will be effective. There are many cases in which the patient's condition and other factors will require radiation treatment to be used against skin cancers. There are several reasons why a patient afflicted with skin cancer may seek radiation treatment. One possibility is that the patient has inherent medical or health risks that would prevent them from other types of treatment.

The area where the skin cancer is either too large or in an area that is not conducive to treatment with surgery are other reasons that radiation treatment might be sought. It is always possible that a skin cancer has been treated but is reoccurring frequently.

Many tough skin cancers have been effectively treated by this means. One class of patients had been suffering a 50% recurrence rate for their skin cancers, and radiation cut this probability in half to 25%.

There are some risks to treating skin cancer with radiation, however. You may develop new skin cancers in the area that surround the affected area. If the skin cancer reoccurs after the treatment it may be that much harder to treat because of the radiation. And you might experience damage to your healthy skin in the same area.

Many possible side effects must be kept in mind as you think of skin cancer radiation treatment. Fatigue, nausea, hair loss, and redness are all possible experiences. When the treatment is stopped, though, such effects will usually dissipate.

If you are thinking about this type of treatment for your skin cancer, chances are your doctor has gone over these side effects and possible risks. You will need to consider your own situation very carefully to determine if this is the correct course of treatment for you. Skin cancer radiation treatment may not be your only option and you should make sure that your doctor has gone over every other possible solution.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

What Are Some Signs Of Skin Cancer?

By Matt Hellstrom

By knowing the five signs of skin cancer and what skin cancer looks like on an affected person, you would be able to determine whether or not you should check with a doctor. However, always err on the side of caution and see a doctor if you notice something unusual on your skin as it could be an early warning sign of skin cancer. The signs of cancer can be divided into the letters of the alphabet.

Growths that tend to mutate in shape or grow larger can be cancerous and need to be watched by you carefully. Think of the letter A for asymmetry. What you are typically looking for in a cancerous growth is for the shape to be erratic and not symmetrical like non-cancerous growths. They can appear quickly as well and need to be taken seriously.

From letter B, we need to think about the border of growth.The border of skin cancer cannot be distinguished easily.Lookout for this in any such growth which has appeared on your skin.

The letter "C" represents color and informs you for watching out the color of any new growth on your skin.The colors of skin cancer could be brown,black,translucent,tan,blue or red.If you come across a growth in these colors it might be one of the signs of skin cancer.

The diameter of the growth is represented by D. If you discover a growth on your skin that is greater than a quarter of inch in diameter, you should have it examined by your doctor. Sizable growths have a higher chance of becoming cancerous, so early examination is the best way to prevent future illness.

"E" is for the elevation of any new growth. Growths with elevated or uneven edges can be be a sign of skin cancer. Carefully monitor your skin for this and the other five skin cancer warning signs.

In the fight against skin cancer,you are your own best defense.Look after your body and health and you will be helping yourself a lot in keeping yourself healthy. Whenever you see any of the five signs of skin cancer you should check out with your doctor immediately.A medical professional can only identify and confirm if you are having a skin cancer growth on your skin. If there is any unusual growth it must be evaluated and tested to find out if you are in the initial stages of skin cancer.You must remember that there are more chances of succeeding in the cure or completely eradicating the skin cancer in the initial stages.

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Skin Cancer Detection

By Matt Hellstrom

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer that is diagnosed every year. It is also one cancer that is easily detectable if you pay attention to your skin and perform a self examination regularly. In addition to skin cancer detection you should do everything you can to prevent skin cancer from ever starting.

Take the time to examine your own skin at least once every 30 days. Your doctor should also perform a skin examination during your regular physicals, and carefully diagnosing any irregularities that you notice. You can easily examine your own skin for signs of cancer, quickly and without any pain.

When you do your first self exam you will want to take your time to really get a good look at your skin and all the different characteristics. Make sure you are in a well lit area with a full length mirror. There will likely be areas that are difficult to see with just one mirror, so have a hand mirror ready to use also. Getting a good look at what your skin looks like now, cancer free, will be the best way to compare future checks when looking for changes in your skin. When examining your skin, take note of anything you hadn't noticed before.

Start with the face, and then work down your body checking all areas very carefully. Someone close to you, your spouse or a good friend can help you with the hard to see areas such as your lower back. If you don't have help, use a small mirror to see those areas.

When concerned about the possibility of skin cancer examine carefully the areas that are often exposed to the sun. Look for changes in the character of any abnormality such as the shape or size of a mole or discoloration. Medical drawings and photos are available to guide you in the different types of skin cancers.

You should become familiar with the way skin cancer looks. If you find something that is suspicious you should show it to your doctor immediately. It may be nothing but the only way to know for sure is to have a professional look at it. Early skin cancer detection is the key to eliminating it on your skin.

You will need to be more careful about your skin if it is very fair. Cover it at all times when you go outside, and wear sunscreen on any skin that is exposed. Deflect the sun's harmful rays on your face with hats. Early skin cancer detection and a solid prevention regime will help you defend against skin cancer.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Cancer: What You Should Also Know

By Amanda Gamdana

Do you remember the movie with Sean Connery, called 'The Medicine Man', where he played a scientist who found the cure for cancer? Think about that for a moment. While we do know about some of the causes of cancer, no-one can predict who, where or when it will be triggered.

First off it is a good idea to understand exactly what cancer is and try to ascertain whether it is hereditary or something you can acquire. This is what happens with a population of cells that increase in size by replication, similar to the amoeba.

They affect many people without them even knowing they are there. Fortunately, this is a disease which is not as prevalent in the young. While smoking, chemicals and radiation for instance, can be the cancer trigger, it is the poison from these or other sources that transform body cells and create genetic abnormalities which grow and multiply.

The cause can also be the responsibility of faulty DNA replication or a genetic trait inherited from parents which means a person can be born with them. It would seem that certain people's genetic makeup makes them less prone to contacting the illness even if they are allowing harmful carcinogens into their bodies.

Long term research has given a better picture of what cancer is and the study of cancer is one of the top ten diseases being researched throughout the world. We are continually trying to find out why this disease attacks some and not others. Ultimately, even if they don't find the cure for some time, this research may be able to tell us how to avoid contracting cancer in the first place.

It is now believed by many that the food we eat could be responsible for many cases. Calcium from dairy products is thought to be possible cause of prostrate cancer in males.

Cancer can affect any part of the body from the bones, blood, skin or organs. Nowhere is safe from it. The number of different types of cancer that can be treated has increased dramatically in recent years with so much intensive research being carried out. Although not it is not something anyone wants to be diagnosed with, cancer does not have to mean death these days, with the advances in medical treatment.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Are There Different Types Of Skin Cancer?

By Matt Hellstrom

One of the most common forms of cancer is skin cancer. It is easy to prevent it, and it is very curable, but it must be detected early on. There are three main types of skin cancer that you might see on your skin.

The first form of skin cancer to emerge is squamous cell carcinoma. These neoplasms typically develop in areas which have been exposed to too much sun, more often than not the face and the ears. A lump or a swelling is often the first manifestation of squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. If left untreated, it ulcerates into an unhealing open sore which continues to grow in size. In the later stages it can also spread to other parts of the body.

Basal cell carcinoma is another one of the types of skin cancers. These are generally found on the face, hands and neck and are as many as seventy five percent of all skin cancers that are diagnosed. Basal cell carcinoma is very treatable and can be cured quite easily if it is found early enough. The symptoms of basal cell carcinoma are a sore that bleeds and is irritated. It may also resemble a fresh scar.

The third type of skin cancer is the most dangerous of all of them. It is melanoma and it can be found on any area of the body. It is usually found on the arms and legs in the beginning. It will look like a mole or freckle that has recently appeared on the skin. It can also be from an existing mole that has recently changed its size, shape or color. The border of the melanoma will be indistinguishable and it may have more than one color.

To avoid complications associated with this type of skin cancer, it must be detected early in development. The cancer may have a boder that is not distinguishable from surrounding healthy tissue and the interior of the melanoma may consist of multiple colors.

Regardless of the time of year, care should be taken to prevent skin cancer. Make sure that you protect your skin at all times by wearing sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat if possible.

Be sure to wear clothes that keep exposed areas covered. Wear your hat to keep your neck and face protected. Be sure to examine your skin for potential skin cancers frequently. Early detection often makes the difference to survival.

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ways To Prevent Skin Cancer

By Matt Hellstrom

Though skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, it is also highly treatable and preventable when taking the right precautions. By monitoring your skin frequently and taking preventative measures (such as using sunblock), you can reduce your risk of getting skin cancer.

First and foremost, try to avoid the sun as much as you can. Seek the shade provided by trees, beach umbrellas or buildings wherever possible. Wear hats and lightweight clothing to cover your skin, protecting it from the sun's rays that could cause lesions leading to skin cancer.

You should realize that even on cloudy days, the ultra-violet rays from the sun can still reach you. Yes, even when it is cloudy, your skin can get burned. Swimming pools are not safe havens either. Your skin can get sunburned even when your body is in the water, and skin cancer could result in the future.

One of the most effective ways to prevent skin cancer is to apply sunscreen. You should make sure to be wearing at least SPF 15 when in the sun, or stronger sunscreen depending on how easily you burn. Also, be sure to reapply after swimming, or if you are sweating heavily.

Children's skin is even more delicate than your own and therefore must be looked after carefully. However, it is important to remember that children who have not reached 6 months of age cannot wear sunscreen on their skin yet. With that in mind be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight at all times and remember to always keep their skin covered. Warn older children that prolonged unprotected exposure to the sun's harmful rays can eventually lead to skin cancer and that they would be safer in the shade.

Skin cancer can be treated but it is important for you to pay attention to any changes to existing growths or new abnormalities that appear suddenly. It is most important to watch for any changes like increase in size or irregular shapes. Watching for transparent or multicolored growths on you skin is a must. And furthermore, it you have any cuts or wounds that don't appear to be healing, consult your doctor promptly.

You should make it a point to have your skin checked on a regular basis when visiting a doctor. .Ensure that you examine your skin every month.This is one of the best ways of detecting skin cancer early. Make sure to be watchful of your skin and health,and if you develop any problems, consult a doctor for immediate treatment.

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