First of all, there are different types of skin cancer and some are not related to the sun at all. Since cancer boils down to a mutation of skin cells, many people are born with it or born with a pre-disposition. So if skin cancer runs in your family, it is extremely important to learn what type of skin cancer they have and what you can do to prevent in yourself.
Cancer is an abnormal mutation or growth at the cellular level in your body. These cells can be something you are born with. These cells can also be stimulated and/created by free radicals in your body.
So here is a very basic summary of skin cancer caused by the sun. The sun emits different types of UV rays. These UV rays can cause free radicals in your body. These free radicals can damage your skin (ie wrinkles, pigmentation, cancer). As you can see, the sun is a somewhat indirect cause of skin cancer.
So, hypothetically if you intervene at any point during this process you can prevent this type of cancer. If you do not expose yourself to any UV rays, there is no risk of absorbing them. If you wear high SPF sunblock, you can be exposed to the rays but prevent hem from being absorbed into your body. Lastly, you can attack the free radicals in your body.
Anti-oxidants are what fights free radicals in your body. They attach to the free radicals so that the O2 molecules will not attach to your good cells and mutate them. There are foods and vitamins that are considered anti-oxidants and can make a huge difference in preventing cancer.
Free radicals get into your body in other ways besides UV rays. Pollution and bad diets are also ways to get these free radicals. Free radicals also do a lot of damage to your body including many aging effects, degenerative diseases, and cancers.
This is clearly a very simple explanation of the indirect way that the sun ca cause skin cancer. However, I hope that you can do your own research and make an educated decision for yourself. I do believe that for some people it is possible to tan safely in a tanning bed and outdoors.